Lisa has started a little column on her website, today a charming little story about her love for mismatched chairs, including her grampy's chair. I have to admit it took a while before I actually read the text - I was transfixed by these lovely illustrations. Sadly, I don't own one single family heirloom. Every time I go home my mother asks me what I want to inherit - unfortunately, not one thing. She claims that she is 'not sentimental' so I think she must have gotten rid of anything worth having years ago. Is there anything from your parents' house that you have your eye on?
Hi there - thankyou for leaving a comment - lovely to find your blog.
will have to check out her column.
am nostaglicly attached to anything habitat circa early 70's. apart from that a curious painting by a birmingham school of art graduate that I used to think was jesus. a chair with one arm painted glossy pillarbox red, a gilded mirror. All for sentimental reasons.
We have a chandelier that originally comes from my great grandparents. Since we're not too chandelier-y, I've put a few white paper birds in it. It looks more like ours now, but my mother frowns at it on occasion.
Lovely blog!
My grandparents were serious antique collectors, with the money to get the really good stuff. I look forward to inheriting many beautiful things from my parents. Some beautiful handwoven native american baskets, my mom's ceramic collection in the kitchen, and a handpainted armoire that says 1797 on it. I love going home and seeing all of these things.
Love this post and the one's on either side - Skye is an amazing chef and Petesham nurseries is just so unique & divine & her cookbooks are must haves / love Lisa Stickly and am obsessed with Ottolenghi / their cookbook is fabulous too - I can tell from this pic its the Islington branch and not the Notting Hill one - Oh how I miss London
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