Well, so much for the signs of spring I saw last week, today London is covered with the heaviest snow it has had for 18 years. So, I feel happy to post another interview from my New Year's Style resolutions series, as it is not a day for leaving winter behind and making lots of progress with anything, or for berating ourselves for having failed on our New Year's resolutions so far. It is a day for going outside and throwing a few snowballs, but then ultimately deciding that I am over the snowy weather already.
Are you enjoying this series? I really am, because I am quite nosy and feel I have learned a lot about my favourite bloggers. I am thinking of changing the questions slightly (to ditch the NY theme) and continuing the series on a more infrequent basis. I have one more interview coming up tomorrow (from a Vogue-featured blogger, no less) so come back then.
Today's interview is with Jen from Made by Girl. If I was to describe her blog in one word, I would choose 'colourful'. She features lots of bright and vibrant images, such as this selection of Etsy cushions, this house tour, and great book reviews. My amateur personality analysis suspects that Jen might be like this herself - the life and soul of a party, and never the type to dress all in black? Anyway, Jen has a great Etsy shop, selling prints in every conceivable colour. My favourite is this limited edition grey print.

Style resolutions: Jen from Made by Girl

A. My favorite design find is this wooden Deer Head from Raw Space. I want one, and even though I found it...I haven't bought it yet. After I re-design my living area wall with new art...I may buy this to place over my mantle. I have to see if it will fit with the design.
Also, these cute hand made cushions by Brooke of LittleLegWarmers via Etsy. I can't wait to get my upholstery done on the French Provincial sofa I found last year on craigslist for $125! It's sitting in my garage still because I haven't decided on a fabric yet...can you believe that??

Q. What are your style resolutions for 2009?
A. My resolution is to grow & grow my business and be happy with my efforts. I have the tendency to feel like I should be doing more, when in reality, I know I am doing plenty.

Q. What are your style resolutions for 2009?
A. My resolution is to grow & grow my business and be happy with my efforts. I have the tendency to feel like I should be doing more, when in reality, I know I am doing plenty.
I also hope to re-design my blog & make it more interesting and more efficient for myself to post.
Ok, now for a style resolution, to create a wall of frames in my family room. I currently have the empty frames fad, and I think that went out with 2008. Now, I'd like to fill those frames up with artwork. I've bought a few pieces already....so need to get them hung up.
via Living Etc.

Above, my wall, which I will be re-doing. You can see more of my home design at this link via my blog.
Q. Which style/design blog(s) will you be reading in 2009?
A. I'll be reading: Decorology, Samantha Hahn Maquette, En Mammas Dag, Decor8, Coco & Kelley and Black Eiffel. I like them because they always update their blogs. Even though some have more content then others, I am pleased with the total aesthetics of them all. The women who run them are all nice too.
Great post! :) So much to look through! :) I love Jen's Etsy shop! I'll have to bookmark it!
What a fun interview! I don't think the empty frames movement was a fading trend -- it just gives us each time to fill the frames with lovely artwork and memories :)
I am quite enjoying this series! I do hope that you are keeping warm!
Thanks Lynne,
Will figure out where to mention this in an upcoming post... : ) Good job!
I also think it's a great series.
Jen Ramos
'Cards & Prints You'll Love...'
I love jen's blog...great interview..
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