Monday 27 October 2008

A New York holiday

I'm on holiday now, in New York, so there won't be many posts from me for a few weeks. I've only been here for half a day, and already I've seen something I want to buy. It's this snow globe from West Elm. I love snow globes, but I am very particular about how the snow falls, and that it's not too plasticky. It has to be 'proper' snow, none of that cheap glitter lark.

So far, my collection only has one snow globe, which I think I bought at ABC Carpet and Home a few years ago. Apologies for Christmas overtones in October, but my snow globe is on display all year round.

I'm off now to have lunch at the City Bakery, and then to see Banksy's Pet Shop. I'm having so much fun already. Tomorrow, I'm planning to go to Tarrytown, New York, which has lots of vintage stores. That's if I don't give in to the cult of celebrity and go and see the Olsen twins signing books at Barnes and Noble. I will try and resist. Then I need to work on my Halloween costume - there is a lot of pressure in this town.


editor said...

Have a fab time in NYC. I love the city--grew up there. So busy and way too many great shops. Too expensive for me! I'm a big spender on a broken-budget. Happy walking. My feet always hurt when I'm there! Take pictures. I want to go back JUST so I can get some yellow cab photos. Maybe you can take a yellow cab photo for me?

Anonymous said...

Have a great time Lynne. Take lots of pictures :)

Anonymous said...

SOB! City Bakery? ABC Carpet and Home? Flatiron/Union Square was my old haunting grounds as my office was right in the thick of it. I'm so jealous---you're making me miss New York so much!

Can't wait to hear about Halloween at St. John the Divine---it's one of my favourite churches in the world. Have a great trip!

{} said...

ok so you've been TAGGED by me : )

come on over to my blog & see what you have to do!