A break from normal business, to share some of these wedding guest outfits I saw at the Royal Wedding, coming out of the afternoon reception. There were so many stunning outfits which we didn't see on tv. My ideal coverage would have just focused on each guest going into the Abbey...

Love this orange outfit

Gorgeous dress and bag {and there were a lot of nude shoes}

Understated, but elegant.
Two of my favourite outfits were worn by
Miriam Gonzalez and
Princess Beatrice {I loved her Valentino coat, and the
Philip Treacy hat} - both of which have been described by some as fashion flops. Which did you like, and how did you celebrate? And what do you think of
this photo - changing into your Birkenstocks when you're at the Palace gates? I hope you enjoyed watching!
{Photographs - mine. Please do not use without my permission.}
The princess's Valentino outfit was beautiful but the headwear and makeup..terrible. Surely they have style advisors. Love the lady in red!
ooooh. Thank you for those photos. I, too, enjoy seeing what the guests wore. I prefer the beautiful yet understated outfits that do not take attention away from the bride. One guest who wore electric blue seemed a bit exhibitionist to me.
Lynne,I love your photos! That pink dress, I must have one!
We spotted a pink hat with a red dress. . . opps!
The bow fancy was awful. Did she not look in a mirror?
haha I am like you just want to see the outfits I have a post wedding to attend end of may and not idea what to wear...
I think the lady in red is one of William's ex-girlfriends - Arabella Musgrave, PR for Gucci.
Have to say I was not a fan of Princess Beatrice's pretzel hat. The blush outfit alone is lovely. But the hat is awful.
I think the descriptions of Wills' ex-girlfriends is a bit of an exaggeration. I don't think he could have fitted them all in before Kate. Christals Creations - I spotted that pink hat/red too! I know I am one of the few who liked Beatrice's hat (although the Guardian gave it 10/10 today.)
GReat photos Lynne, thanks for sharing! I agree this would have been the greatest coverage!
Love Beatrice too, her coat was stunning
I agree!! I would have loved rolling footage of the guests walking in!
Have a fabulous Sunday :)
Sar xx
Love the lowest photo, the neutral on neutral look is so chic!
Great weekend for some British fashion history! xxxx
I really liked Princess Beatrice's dress! It was elegant.
I got up at 3.50am to watch the online Royal Channel.... with cup of tea in hand, duvet wrapped and curled up in my lounge chair watching everyone walk into Westminster Abby was amazing and unforgettable!
ps thanks for sharing your photos! So happy you were able to be there. Must have been completely exciting!!
oh yay. more guest photos. I was disappointed with the lack of guest shots going into the abbey. too much crowd shots and not enough outfits!!
Were you standing outside the reception then to take these??
I love the peachy dress and nude shoes.
Love the red dress... brill pictures, you had a great view! I managed to miss most of the guests in the coverage as I only tuned in when the Princes had arrived at the church.
Nice Pics!!That pink dress is gorgeous.
I loved Miriam Gonzalez best too - she really really made an effort and looked so glamourous whereas outfits and hats like Posh's and Tara PT's look like they just ran out of ideas but tried too hard to do something new in hats without being flattering.
J'adore les Anglais !!!!
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