Miss Pickering is written by a florist based in Lincolnshire whose shop I know I'd love if I visited - flowers in vintage jugs and a selection of vintage items for sale sounds exactly my style. The arrangements on her website are stunning. (Spotted on 27 Years Later.)
That Kate is an inspiring photography-based blog, documenting the adventures of Kate as she is out and about in London and beyond.
Technically not a British blog, Found, now home is written by American Leigh - but as she's just relocated to London with her family, I've included her as an honorary British blogger! She has always had a great eye for vintage home finds, so I can't wait to see what she finds here. Leigh spent some time in London last year and photographed lots of lovely London shops, so I'm sure we will see more of the same.
Can I suggest Seeds and Stitches?
Hannah writes well, is dedicated to green issues, and likes pretty things, crafting, re-using things and tea.
She also writes for Amelia's Magazine
Ooo love finding fellow British Bloggers! Will be adding these to the RSS feeder (:
Thanks Lisa-Marie!
are ones that I really like and read daily. I also read Miss Pickering, which you mentioned, so original, love it!
I have just spotted myself on your right hand side column!
Thank you so much Lynne for including me.
Recently stumbled upon your blog and just wanted to say it's wonderful.
Sorry if I'm breaking the protocol but am I allowed to suggest my own blog?! I am a British blogger and I have an inspiration, design & lifestyle blog. I think I should leave it up to others/my readers to decide if it's worthy of the praise 'great' but I certainly love writing it. Feel free to take a look : )
Hooray for British bloggers!
I love finding new ones. I feel like I can connect to them more!
Here are a few of my favourites:
They are quite fashion/ photography based and are all sooo lovely!
I write a blog too (I'm a Londoner) that I don't know if you've seen before? xxx
Hi Lynne - may I suggest http://www.lickedspoon.co.uk which is totally mouthwatering and lovely and incredibly written too..., and http://www.otterfarm.co.uk which is also wonderfully written, intriguing and entertaining...both have gorgeous photography...love them!
oooo..this is fabulous! I don't have enough British blogs in my reader...excited to see so many already!
Thanks everyone, some great suggestions - some I already read but definitely some new ones. Faye, of course you can mention your own blog, and Polly - of course I've seen yours - you've been commenting on my blog for ages! And I think I saw you won a competition somewhere recently...x
I absolutely love this idea!! I love getting to know more locals
Thanks for this!!
Miss Pickering is my absolute fave, always brightens my day.
What about Peonies and Poloroids, dreamy photography and witty words.
Great idea - I love finding new blogs and then greedily filing through the previous posts.
Not sure if you have seen these but a couple of my faves:
May I suggest - http://coquetteanddove.blogspot.com/
Too bad i'm an expat else I would suggest mine also! :)
Great picks for your post!
This is brilliant, all these lovely new links... so much to read.... thank you! I love reading local blogs. All the suggestions I was going to make have already been posted, but I'll let you know if I think of more which aren't already on your list.
Oh wow! Just look at all these new blogs to discover, thank you!
Could I please suggest Jeanne at Collage of Life. She's lived all over the world (including Australia where I'm from) but is now settled in the UK..http://collageoflife-henrqs.blogspot.com/
I think you'll love her.
Thank you so much for the mention Lynn ! Also so many lovely links in this comment post for me to explore!
You have such a neat blog...glad I found you! :)
so happy you are back!
you were missed. can't wait to read upcoming posts!
thank you for this. I love being introduced to other bloggers. happy monday!
I love supporting British bloggers, thanks for highlighting some new ones!
I'd like to suggest Saskia's Spot, which features some lovely photography: http://saskiaspot.blogspot.com/
Thanks also for highlighting American bloggers in the UK. I have a soft spot since that was me for such a long time. :)
Welcome back from your hiatus.
Can I suggest...
Gardening, family life and great pictures... fairly new blog, a nice read.
Love your blog by the way...
Gosh, thank you so much for the mention, and now i have found your lovely blog, I shall stay a while with a cup of tea.
Such a marvellous start to the day, which is a squirrelled day off.
Thank you
Thanks, for sharing these - just had a look, and they're great.
I also recommend my friend and fellow Goldsmithsionian, Hannah at Seeds and Stitches - she's rad.
I would recommend myself, but I am pretty new to blogging and still trying to find my voice. Any hints or tips are most welcome.
Blogger Newbie
Ooh, one that I just remembered that I love is Gypsy Rose Writes : http://gypsyrosewrites.wordpress.com/ - she's an amazingly talented florist who lives on a house boat with cats and lots of liberty print things. Very lovely.
I agree, I love reading about fellow Brits. Great idea (:
on the photos alone, these blogs look wonderful... i'm off to visit:) thanks for the share!
love these selections. especially kate's photo blog is wonderful. thanks for the tip.
What a great idea - and what lovely suggestions from your readers!
great idea for a feature Lynne - it's always nice to discover fellow british bloggers. and quite a few suggestions already that we will certainly check out.
Thanks, Lynne, for posting about my blog!! I checked my stats and was like, woah, where's all this traffic coming from! Found it :)
Would it be awful to suggest ourselves? We love blogging and have a garden blog:
a vintage inspirations blog:
a chicken blog:
our lifestlye blog:
and a newsletter blog:
I'm a British lady and I recently started a blog about books, films, fashion and food - I'd love it if you'd take a look:
Otherwise Victoria's blog is always worth a read:
I love discovering new British blogs too. I'm away at the moment but look forward to clicking these links when I get back. I also love Quaint Living, The Sneaky Magpie and second Gypsy Rose Writes.
There are some amazing british blogs. My favors are Tales of a Junkaholic,
http://toriejayne.blogspot.com/ and http://www.freudianslipsvintage.com/ and of course
http://meoldchinablog.blogspot.com/ xxx
Nice to have you back! Rachel Eats. She is a British blogger living in Rome. Her writing is beautiful as are her photographs. Not a design blog but it's worth a peek! www.racheleats.wordpress.com
Great idea Lynne! Really enjoying going through and taking a look at everyones links... Miss Pickering is great, love the way she writes!
Lovely idea! And so much to check out... yay for us Brits! :D
oooo thanks for mentioning my blog... not had that happen before! Can I suggest some blogs I love..
thank you to those of you who hopped on over for a visit... love to see you all again.Louxx
Thank you for bringing my attention to some great blogs. I am new to the blogging scene and started my blog just last month, I am actually spending more time reading blogs than doing any work or blogging of my own! I'm just off to have a nice cup of jasmine tea - last night I tried it mixed in with green tea and it was gorgeous.
Hi, I have a blog, it's only in its infancy at the moment, but it is all about what a textile teacher does in her life, at work, at home and at play..... thelifeofatextilesteacher.blogspt
Love your list and all the great ideas from the comments too.
As a brit living in Beijing, reading this makes me feel connected to the homeland!
Hope you will enjoy mine if you have a chance to look. Ingrid
I have a lovely Blog List of artists and makers on my studio blog. You are most welcome to come and see if any take your fancy.
Hello Ooooo I love reading and finding new british design blogs I'm going to check out all your comment links, what will I find ? {excited} :) xxx
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