Wednesday 7 April 2010

A shed makeover

Tales of a Junkaholic is one of my favourite blogs. Artemis makes me laugh so much. I don't know if that's her intention, so I hope she's not offended! She shares lots of her vintage finds, work for her jewellery studio, Rust Jewellery, and lots of inspiring images and projects from around her South East London home. I feel very lazy when I read it because she's always so industrious (making bed bunting from her sick bed, for example.) But it's her most recent project which really made me go 'wow.' I think her shed makeover is one of my favourite things ever.

Who knew you could make a tiny shed look so spacious?

I spy some Merci for Liberty masking tape.

Head over to Artemis' blog for lots more photos, including 'before' shots and a photo of the gorgeous exterior - it is so stylish, and the outside has been thoughtfully landscaped too. Can you tell I like this shed? I just hope it warms up soon, as I'm not sure the shed comes with any heating...


Beth said...

I love this little shed! Wish I could move in and use it as my studio! Thanks for sharing.

Tonia said...

What a great use for a shed! Am going to point it out to the husband as a huge hint for him to do something with our leaning shack!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Im rushing to check her out, it looks deliciously fantastic, thanks for the introduction Lynne!

the red bungalow said...

I agree! What an inspiring work nook!

I just found your blog and I really adore it. Thanks for sharing :)

Bre @

Callie Grayson said...

what a wonderful space!! I too love her shed!


Anna @ IHOD said...

this is brilliant! love it!!

Cat said...

What a great doesn't look looks cozy!

Anonymous said...

I saw this earlier and LOVE it!! It is much bigger than I expected and she got it all done so quickly!

twin xl said...

It really looks cute - love the white interior :)

LissyLou said...

ooo thank you for introducing me to that lovely blog x

alessandra said...

ah in my dreams!
thanks for the link...

Artemis Russell said...

Oh thank you Lynne for such a lovely post!

I'm glad I amuse you! I hope its not my bad spelling and grammar that is funny ; )

Yes indeed that is Merci for Liberty tape...a present from Nao. We are also going to use some of this range for a packaging in our Tokyo RUST jewellery shop as presents!

Also, if you look closely you might just spy a little fan heater under the table! It gets nice and toasty in minutes with that on...conducive to kipping though!

Many thanks again for all your kind comments! XXXXXXXXXXXX

jane said...

This is so lovely ... when i was little i used to daydream about living in a shed in the garden (a friend's sister did just that!) and this is so inspiring.
Happy to see the Liberty masking tape put to good use too - that's just the sort of thing i would spy and covet but never be able to justify buying because i'd imagine it impossible to find a use for.... but i'd be wrong!

theundergroundrestaurant said...

Love it. Am total shed fetishist anyway

The Design Boards said...

I love this shed and the blog is great too, thanks for sharing!! I wonder if I could create something like this in my backyard...