I recently bought some of these vintage seed labels from
Burgundy Brocante. I thought they were very good value (24 for £6) - and they are so adorable. I have not identified what to do with them yet - I may frame some, or put one in with each of my Christmas cards, or just keep them, untouched, as they really are very delicate and pretty. Do you have any ideas?
Oooohhh...they're lovely! Frame some for the kitchen, maybe? Or even the powder room?
They would also work in the foyer or if you have a mud room? They might also look great all together in a large frame the way you showed them here. Sometimes small things get lost. Or you could use them as postcards by placing a hard paper on the back. Or and this is a favorite decopage(i hope i spelled it right) them on a wooden table top that you could site outside or in the kichen.
Oh Wow! frame frame frame!!!
These are too cute! I think they'd look adorable framed in a set to hang on your kitchen wall :)
These are beautiful. Whatever you do with them, keep them for yourself :))
Dear Lynne,
My mother and I are going to London in November. Tea, Tate, Liberty's and the Country Living Christmas Fair are high on the list, but where should we stay? The budget's pretty tight, I'm afraid. Any ideas? Is there a decent B&B anywhere in London? You have impeccable taste, hence the harassment from a Swedish reader. Sorry!
With fingers crossed,
PS. Love the print! Frame!
Frame! Lots of small frames, neat against one another; the frames a complementary colour to the packet?
Gorgeous! I think they work best en masse so you could frame a bunch of them together for extra impact.
Or... frame individual ones and dot them around the whole of your house?
Oh, these are lovely. Your ideas of framing them or making them into cards are wonderful.
They are lovely, excellent value for money. I've ordered some as well. I see from their website that they will be exhibiting at the Country Living Fair in November. I must pay them a visit.
Oh they're lovely... I like the Christmas card idea but then you're giving them away...
Could you not scan/photocopy them all together and then print them out on A3 and you've got pretty insta wrapping paper?
Then you can frame them for yourself ;)
Hello! I have just stumbled on your blog and felt I should comment. I've been really enjoying looking through your archives - they're providing a wonderful dash of colour on a gray day, and I love the tea posts :)
you could always sell them at papermash ;) speaking of which, i posted a small bit about my first package today!
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