Wednesday 8 August 2012

Wednesday workspace

I have a desk I'm not too fond of, but before I offer it up to the scroungers of Freecycle {no, I don't believe you genuinely need a table, half a box of tiles and a helium tank, for example*}, I'm going to give it one last chance and move it to a sunnier spot by the window, where I'll be available for Neighbourhood Watch duties.

Photo: Fantastic Frank, via Kat Hannaford

*Genuine Freecyclers I like, the others not so much.


Anonymous said...

But that's a beautiful desk! It surely deserves a second chance at the sunny spot. :)

Michelle said...

I know that is just striped sunlight but think that a blue and white strip table would look pretty awesome.

Helen said...

My desk is also in prime neighbourwood watch position. I know everything that goes on in our street.

... and I share your lack of enthusiasm for Freecycle.

zehra said...

My old space was exactly le this ! I wrote my first bk in that space & neighbourhood watch is so important!