I'm selling
Polaroid postcards, have a much-loved
Polaroid subscription, and my own top-secret Polaroid project (soon to be revealed), so discovering this genuine
Polaroid postcard group on Flickr was a perfect revelation. The group's members took photos of their city and addressed them as normal postcards. What an exciting thing to receive in the post.
Oh my goodness!! LOVE.
i cant wait ^^
I really love that idea. I just wish I had someone to send one to that isn't family or a friend that lives close.
Holly ♥
Wow these are just lovely. I love recieving little things in the post, such a lovely idea. xx
This is ingenious. I'm now obsessed.
Oooh more top secret stuff... can't wait!
Love, love, love this.
Very cool idea!!
I used to mail photographs but I haven't done polaroids, which I think would be much more in the moment!
I will have to try this sometime:)
a wonderful idea! and your new project sounds intriguing!!
did you see the polaroid project in the observer this week? everything looks special shot in polaroid...even g brown : )
Ooh - I too am very excited about you secret Polaroid project! Wil be watching this space :)
Lovely idea! that´s to cute!
What a fantastic idea! Love love Polaroids :)
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